HEDAVI Explorer changelog
v1.18 - 14/02/2025
- VtServiceFinder: Add new module for ESA Sentinel-2 data from the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem.
v1.17 - 09/01/2025
- General: Fix bug in ProcessorGeometry.
- General: Fix bug in export as image (GeoTIFF format).
- VtServiceFinder: Add option to reprepare a data (admin only).
- VtServiceFinder: Fix bug on status refresh when the list of product is too small.
- VtServiceBaseMap: Add new basemap (Sentinel-2 Cloudless 2021/2022/2023).
- Style edition: Add PU "wqi" (Water Quality Index).
- Style edition: Improve management of background in PU "dif".
- Style edition: Improve management of background in PU "stats" for the case "mean".
- Style edition: Fix bug in PU "if" that happen when "childIfTrue" has empty tile.
- Style edition: Fix bug in PU "cvl" for window size greater than 3.
- Bug fix: the service panel stay visible after AOI edition (following an hyperlook link).
v1.16 - 14/06/2024
- General: Add user account management. To have an account, please contact HEDAVI teams at hedavi@visioterra.fr.
- General: Users have access to a workspace where are listed their hyperlooks, stories and sites.
- General: Users may create a story from the workspace and submit it for publication subject to the approval of the ESA and the HEDAVI team.
- VtServiceFinder: Add new module for ESA Sentinel-3 data from the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem.
- VtServiceFinder: Add new status "Corrupted" and "In progress & in queue".
- VtServiceFinder: "Corrupted" products are considered as Ready product and therefore will answer to the "Ready" criteria
- VtServiceFinder: Add option "Set as corrupted" or "Set as valid" in product context menu (admin only).
- Style edition: Add arithmetics PU "rad2deg" and "deg2rad".
- Style edition: Update PU "add" to add an optional param to ignore background value when computing the sum.
- Style edition: Update PU "iso" to produce output tile in INT16 instead of INT8. It allows more isoline in output.
- Style edition: fix PU "clip".
v1.15 - 04/03/2024
- General: When an hyperlook is loaded, the service panel is now always available.
- General: Added security to prevent story hyperlooks being overwritten by users.
- Style edition: Added local incidence angle and projected local incidence angle computation in sar flattening.
- Style edition: Update PU "stats" to support float output without stretching (min/max are optional).
- Experimental - Style edition: Add PU "bil" for bilateral filtering.
v1.14 - 11/07/2023
- Service Finder: Add new dataset ALOS PALSAR FBS/FBD/PLR/WB1.
- Service Finder: Add new dataset ALOS AVNIR-2 L1C.
- Service Finder: Add new dataset Copernicus DEM GLO-30 and GLO-90.
- Style edition: Update PU "str" to support 8 or 16 bits in output (default 8 bits).
v1.13 - 20/04/2023
- General: Update cache management for granule metadata.
- Service Finder: Add new module for ESA Sentinel-1 EW/IW/SM products.
- Service Finder: Add new module for ESA Sentinel-3 OLCI FR/RR and SLSTR RBT products.
- Service Finder: Add new module for Global Human Settlements - Population count products.
- Layerstack: Update layerstack icon.
- Layerstack: Update default label for layers coming from service Finder.
- Layerstack: Update style edition options
- "Edit": edit the current style with the user friendly interface,
- "Edit POF-ML": edit the current style with the full POF-ML editor (like raw layer),
- "Copy": copy the current style to a new one (former "Create style" behavior),
- "Reset": reset the style to the default parameters (only available on default styles),
- "Create style": create a brand new style based on the first default style.
- Layerstack: Replace "Transform to raw" option by "Edit POF-ML" in style edition.
- Layerstack: Add support of WMTS layer.
- Layerstack: Add "Add content to new folder" option.
- Layerstack: Add "Import from text" option from any folder.
- Layerstack: Combined layers are now fully editable for the style edition window.
- Style edition: Add PU "and", "or", "xor" and "not" which perform bit mask operations.
- Style edition: Update PU "lut" to support float value for shadow gain.
v1.12 - 18/01/2023
- This platform is now named HEDAVI Explorer.
v1.11 - 23/12/2022
- General: Update geocoding algorithm based on tie points grid.
- General: Fix bicubic interpolation in the geocoding PU "geo".
- Style edition: Add explicit Land/Sea mask and Land/Water mask based on the Copernicus DEM Water Bodies Mask.
- Style edition: Add several lookup tables ("greens", "alticdemland", "altittiland", "altinasaland", "altiignland", "gebcobathy", "ocean").
- Style edition: Add arithmetics PU "abs" and "sqrt" which compute respectively a absolute value and a square root value.
- Style edition: Add filtering PU "rmean" which computes a round local mean value based on a radius.
- Style edition: Add indicator PU "ndif" which computes a normalized difference index with a float output.
- Style edition: Add RGEALTI DEM for radar orthorectification.
- Style edition: Add the crsId to the help window when editing custom layer.
- Style edition: Update indicator PU to support float data type in input ("arvi", "evi", "gndvi", "mndwi", "msavi2", "ndre", "ndvi", "ndwiow", "ndwism", "nmdi", "reci", "savi").
- Experimental - Layerstack: Add function "Combine layers" on a directory.
- Experimental - Style edition: Update PU "geo" to retrieve a default CRS if not specified.
v1.10 - 01/07/2022
- Manage tie points grid anomalies of some MERIS products.
- Bug fix: Fix histogram computation of MERIS FRS & RR products.
v1.9 - 30/06/2022
- Initialization of this changelog.
- New version of HEDAVI including all the updates from VtWeb since 2016.